Goruck Light Packing list and what I would change next time

My GORUCK Light Packing list and Principle of Organization

This past weekend, I completed my first GORUCK Light Challenge, where we carried a weighted backpack for 6.5 hours, rucked (a.k.a. walking with a weighted pack) for 7-10 miles, did PT (physical training), and had a lot of fun with our whole team. I think I packed alright for a first-timer, but I also learned a few things that I would do different. Here I’ll share my GORUCK Light packing list and setup, and what I would change next time.

The following picture shows everything I brought to the challenge. How I pack turns out to work really well for the event. The two improvements I would do is to (1) pack another bladder, and (2) pack another pair of shoes (light weight is fine).

Goruck Light packing list

Top row: weight, ruck, bladder. Bottom row: dry sack (sock + shirt), pelican case with food, pelican case with personal items + batteries, head lamp, gloves

I’ll go over how I actually setup my ruck in the following section. The key thing is, I did not overpack. It is not a week-long camping trip. Bring the essentials, and have some spares of the essentials 🙂
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[Review/AAR] Consolidated Training Group – Combative Vehicle and Force-on-Force

Force-on-Force combative simunition class held by CTG


This past Saturday, I got to participate in a combative vehicle and force-on-force simunition class hosted by the Consolidated Training Group (CTG), a DFW based training group in defensive carry utilizing both live-fire training and force-on-force scenarios using Simunition FX man-marking ammo.


Handguns and rifles converted to shoot Simunition FX


The day lasted from 9am-5pm, with a 50 minute lunch break. Live-fire in the morning and scenarios using fx rounds in the afternoon. Since it is a ‘vehicle’ class, both the live-fire in the morning and scenarios in the afternoon revolves around the use of firearm in AND around a vehicle (e.g., use of vehicle as cover/concealment).

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[Review/AAR] Haley Strategic Partner – D5 Handgun Course from a beginner’s point of view

This is my experience of the HSP D5 Handgun course as an individual who has only began shooting a handgun for ~3 months.

If only one thing:

If there is only one thing I could stress to those who are potentially interested in this course, it will be Haley3“don’t be intimidated”. Don’t be intimidated by your own lack of experience. Or, don’t be intimidated how much better the other students might be. I have only been shooting for 3 months by the time I attended the course. And at no point did the instructors or other students made it uncomfortable or intimidating for the less experienced in the class. If anything, everyone was ultra-encouraging and very willing to share their knowledge and experiences.

There are other sources on the internet where they would go through what happens in the course day-by-day, so I won’t go over that. (it will be listed at the end of this post)

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